Sep. 18 - Voiceware announces today it starts sales of high quality TTS, VoiceText™ English after beta test. VoiceText™ is the leading Text-To-Speech technology that can replace the text data with human-like natural sound.
Try our TTS at http://home.voiceware.co.kr/english/front/demo1.html and you can get more detail about VoiceText by VoiceText™ Data Sheet at http://home.voiceware.co.kr/english/front/product1.html It supports telephony, network, multimedia and embedded applications, boasting the natural sound and accurate pronunciation.
VoiceText™ has taken the lion’s share in the Korean speech market, being supplied to more than 100 sites including Microsoft(Office XP Korean Version). Many of Voiceware’s employees are experts in R&D and Commercializing who had worked at LG Corporation for years, and now Voiceware has the most references applied TTS in Korea. VoiceText™ English is based on the Korean version which was awarded KT(Korean Excellent Technology) Mark and IR52 from the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Trainable TTS/ Natural Sound and Clear Pronunciation
VoiceText™ is trained by statistics of large corpus since it gathers database through automatic extract of synthesis units for Speech Synthesis with being based on large corpus unlike the phonological knowledge-based method. VoiceText™ provides natural and clear synthesized voice by comprehending the context through its intellectual sentence analyzing that understands all the rhythmic information such as intonation and spacing of words.
Customizable Dictionary/ Pre-Processing by Intelligent Analysis
VoiceText™ supports a user dictionary where a user can adjust company name, symbols and adopted words and so on as they want to be. In addition, pitch, speed, volume and pause could be customized as well. VoiceText™ automatically processes the special characters including date, time and cardinal/ordinal number, and language mixed sentences including Chinese, Japanese, and English, into the right synthesized speech through its intellectual text analyzing.
You can experience this surprising Korean technology at the Voiceware’s booth of Comdex Fall(S1443-64KOSA ), from 12th Nov. to 16th Nov., 2001.
About Voiceware Partner Program
Voiceware welcomes a partner to resell the natural-sounding TTS, VoiceText™ in overseas market as well as in Korea. Voiceware Partner Program provides you with strong supports to sell, distribute and deliver the high-quality, speech-enabled applications based on Voiceware Speech Technology. Do grasp the opportunity to become our partner and sell our superior Speech Products. We look forward to working with you.
About Voiceware Co., Ltd.
Voiceware is the leading Korean speech technology provider that develops and markets a speech interface for network and telephony solutions, embedded devices and PC applications. Voiceware is offering VoiceText™, high quality text-to-speech technology, VoiceEz™, natural speech recognition technology and VoiceCop™, speaker verification technology to many leading companies and administrative organs like Microsoft, Korea Telecom, SK Telecom, SK Securities, Asiana Airline, HeyAnita Korea, Korea Meteorological Administration and the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs. The total revenue for the first fiscal year, 2000, was $ 2.3 million and net profit was $0.58 million, and the total revenue for the first half in 2001 was $ 2.08 million and net profit was $0.54 million.
Voiceware is headquartered in Seoul, Korea. For additional information, visit home.voiceware.co.kr or send e-mail to marketing@voiceware.co.kr